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Post — Wellbeing


8 Ways to Save on Organics

Posted by Jessica Windell on

Sticking to a budget is hard, especially if you have a penchant for organic fruits and veggies. The good news: demand for organic products is growing and big retailers like Target are getting in on the action, expanding their selection of organic grocery items. To further stretch your dollar at the register check out these helpful tips and tricks to get more out of your organic budget. 1. Know your Dirty Dozen and Clean 15. Every year, the Environmental Working Group examines pesticide residue on conventional produce, and compile a list of the 15 cleanest (least amount of detectable pesticides)...

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5 Ways to Avoid Burnout

Posted by Dustin Canada on

Crazy class schedules, grueling workouts, balancing multiple jobs, life can get a little insane sometimes. We’ve all been there—exhausted, stressed, and maybe a little crabby, all because we’re trying to do too much. Because of all this, it’s become way too easy to suffer from the dreaded burnout. Here are a few tricks to help avoid burnout and get the most out of your day: Catch Some ZZZZs It’s true—losing sleep can be one of the worst things for your health. Studies show that people who get less than six hours of sleep are at a greater risk for burnout,...

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DIY Composting and Our Beneficial Bug Friends

Posted by Jessica Windell on

Looking for an Earth friendly way to fertilize your garden? Give composting a try! It combats food waste by keeping it out of landfills and waterways. It also creates healthy, nutrient-rich soil, which in turn improves the nutritional value of the food that grows in it. Benefits also include boosting plant immunity and reducing the need for chemical fertilizers in lawns and gardens. Composting comes down to 4 main ingredients: air, moisture, carbon, and nitrogen. Carbon comes from dead leaves and branches, newspaper, and unbleached napkins. Nitrogen comes from fruit and veggie scraps, grass clippings, and coffee grounds. Oxygen is...

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Pack Like A Pro: 10 Music Festival Must-Haves

Posted by Dustin Canada on

Packing for a weekend-long music festival is not only critical but it can make or break your experience, especially when camping is involved. There’s a fine line between an over-packing hoarder and a well-equipped festival-goer. After all, car and camping space is most never a luxury, but can also be part of the fun if executed like a pro. Balancing the absolute necessities with party-time accessories will maximize packing efficiency, minimize mishaps and further enhance your overall fun-having. With that being said, check out Perfect Bar’s list of “10 Music Festival Must-Haves”. 1. Head Lamp Navigating a jam-packed campsite at...

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The 10 Essential Habits of Emotionally Strong People

Posted by Dustin Canada on

Emotion is the greatest motivating factor behind every action. Our emotions can drive us in any direction, including the wrong one. This is why emotional strength and stability is key to one’s overall success and happiness. The ability to overcome challenging obstacles by turning them into an opportunity for growth and development, characterizes a mentally strong being. There’s a pattern in common qualities among emotionally strong people that is apparent in the way they act and go about their daily lives. Here are 10 essential habits and practices of the emotionally strong that all people should do more of: 1....

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