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Post — 2019 Perfect Predictions


2019 Perfect Predictions: A Complete List Of This Year's Buzzing Health Trends

Posted by Cat Canada on

With 2019 underway, there are still 50 weeks left for health and wellness trends to unfold and yearly intentions to be re-written again and again. Whether you’re one to make resolutions or defy the need to make any drastic changes on Jan 1, the new year is always a fun time to reflect on highs and lows of the past year and predict what cream (dairy-free, of course) will rise to the top as the hottest food trend of the next 12 months. So we present to you our Perfect Predictions – our complete list of the 2019 health trends....

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Is Exercise Tech Getting Too Swole?

Posted by Team Editorial Perfect Snacks on

With the rise of AI (artificial intelligence) seeping into everything we do — chatbots, texts, insurance claims — we wondered if exercise was getting too swole with tech? Our hunch was right. Other than the elite athletes who track every part of their workouts to increase optimal performance, the everyday health nut wants to disconnect from gadgets and tracking devices when they exercise as a time to clear their minds and give their thumbs a break. Here’s why. Is It Possible To Disconnect Technology From Exercise? Our indoor lives are inundated with technology. And more and more, it’s following us...

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Can Cashew Butter Overthrow Peanut or Almond Butter as the New Favorite Nut Butter?

Posted by Team Editorial Perfect Snacks on

As part of our 2019 Perfect Predictions, we asked our health and wellness trend-spotters and followers to share what they thought would be the hottest trends in food, beauty, and movement in the coming year. The polls went out and results came in: Cashew butter will be the better butter this year. Or, at the very least, it will rise in popularity and be a more consistent contender for the coveted spot of best nut butter! Cashew Butter — The Next Best Butter Did you know that during the Cold War, cashew butter was actually rationed out in the U.S....

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CBD Doesn't Get You High & Other CBD Facts

Posted by Alyssa Moeller on

We asked our health and wellness trend-spotters and followers to share what they thought would be the hottest trends in food, beauty, and movement in the coming year. And for anyone keeping an eye on rising stars, it is no surprise that CBD was the clear winner as the ingredient to watch both in snacks and beauty alike. So what’s all the buss about? We take a dive into CBD to ease the nerves and expand the mind of those interested in the plant compound. Understanding CBD and Why It’s NBD For a generation with overwhelming knowledge about health and...

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Give A Red Light to Blue Light and Screen Time

Posted by Team Editorial Perfect Snacks on

Over the past decade or so, many of us have developed a habit that distracts us from our priorities, takes us away from our loved ones, and negatively impacts our health: spending lots of time on electronic devices. Whether it’s phones, computers, or TVs, the light emitted by these devices and the activities we often use them for aren’t doing much to help us live the healthy, happy, fulfilled lives we want. Understanding Screen Time and Blue Light Effects You don’t need a physics degree to understand the effects of blue light. Just know that blue light is part of...

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