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Post — Wellness


No Gym, No Problem: We're Loving These 5 Workout Apps Instead

Posted by Cassia Hameline on

Is the winter weather keeping you indoors? Is your hour-long commute sitting in rush-hour traffic making it tough to get to the gym? Or are you just in the mood for something new and different this year? Whatever your reason, we have 5 workout apps that make working out fun, convenient and something for more than just your body! No matter who you are or how dedicated you are to your workout, we all could use a little extra motivation to get ourselves working harder, pushing farther, and feeling stronger—and what better way to get motivated than to reach out...

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Try This Easy Yoga Flow To Find Balance In The New Year

Posted by Alyssa Moeller on

Even when the holiday stress is over, it can still take awhile to decompress. And with the new year ringing in, it is important to allow yourself some quality me-time; so give yourself space to unwind and settle into a new routine this year with this simple, do-anywhere yoga flow. Namaste! Warm Up Child’s Pose Start at the back of the mat with your knees wide, hips to your feet, and big toes to touch. Walk your hands forward until you feel a stretch in your shoulders. Rest your forehead on the mat and press your chest down. Take a...

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YOUR PERFECT GUIDE: 2018 Health and Wellness Predictions

Posted by Cat Canada on

In 2017, we saw the rise of collagen, meditation, and plant-based proteins. Now we are heading into a new year with health and wellness trends yet to be seen. TO help us create our perfect predictions we asked 101 exercise experts, lifestyle gurus and health nuts what they thought would be hitting our shelves, showing up in our gyms and having its moment in 2018. Here’s what they said: Get ready to spice up your life with a familiar favorite in fresh and surprising ways. Cinnamon will take the top spot on your spice rack trumping this year’s mellow-yellow favorite,...

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