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YOUR PERFECT GUIDE: 2018 Health and Wellness Predictions

Posted by Cat Canada on

In 2017, we saw the rise of collagen, meditation, and plant-based proteins. Now we are heading into a new year with health and wellness trends yet to be seen. TO help us create our perfect predictions we asked 101 exercise experts, lifestyle gurus and health nuts what they thought would be hitting our shelves, showing up in our gyms and having its moment in 2018.

Here’s what they said:


Get ready to spice up your life with a familiar favorite in fresh and surprising ways. Cinnamon will take the top spot on your spice rack trumping this year’s mellow-yellow favorite, turmeric. Like turmeric, cinnamon is recognized for its anti-inflammatory properties, and is beloved by the holistic health community for its natural protection of dental health and bad breath.

Want to know the other top spicey contenders? Spice Up Your Rack with these 5 new spices to try today.


Tough to adapt when it’s hard to pronounce words like: rhodiola rosea, ashwagandha and astragalus, but these aren’t just tongue-twisters, they are healing herbs. Usually consumed in powder form, adaptogens boast superpowers that help with stress, fatigue and mental clarity. Along with new spices (like maca, which is also considered an adaptogen) and a focus on mental health, these health-boosters are going mainstream in 2018. Bring on the reishi magic latte!

sweet potatoes

Your #versatileveggie game is getting sweeter next year with sweet potatoes as the top fridge vegetable to mash, noodle, boat and roast. Other than that beautiful, rich color that makes our feeds drool-worthy, sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin A, C and potassium. With its high in fiber attributes, sweet potato will be a filling, healthy and nutritious mainstay for your 2018 meal-prepping ways!

Our foodie and fitness friends Sophie Jaffe, Rachel Mansfield and Courtney Swan all named sweet potatoes, so if they’re swooning, we are too!

breakfast tacos

But really, let’s talk about it. According the the ‘gram, breakfast is picture-perfect, bowl-friendly or something that has to do with toast. Though we love all of those options, our Southern California hearts were most excited about this trend prediction – tacos for breakfast! Whether topped with avocado and cilantro or of a sweeter variety with strawberries and mixed nuts, an eat-with-your-hands breakie is on the horizon. Is it 2018 yet?

Amazon delivery

52% of our foodie friends predicted Amazon as the leading food delivery service for 2018, with local CSA boxes coming in second and retail-specific services in a close third. Convenience was deemed as the number one reasoning behind this choice, and with the acquisition of Whole Foods earlier in the year, Amazon is making healthy eating even easier.


95%: The percentage of those who believe the fridge (versus pantry) will be packed all year long. Refrigeration is the original preservative and has always served us well; why fix it if it’s not broken?

Looking for ways to freshen your fridge game? Check out these healthy food swaps you can make today.

slow down

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) made a splash this year with workouts like Tabata-based classes and Barry’s Bootcamp, but slower, more mindful movements will be here to namastay in 2018. Though yoga is nothing new to talk about, the preference for yogic-inspired movements, breathwork and meditations will be on the rise.

Looking for an easy, do-from-home yoga flow? Give this one a try to help find balance in the new year.


Every year we see new and exciting ways to approach group fitness. From Flywheel to Orange Theory Fitness, classes that incorporate cardio training with personalized performance tracking devices took the friendly competitive nature of group classes to the next level. Keep that fight going into 2018 by tossing your hat into the ring and giving boxing a try!


Revered as the fountain of youth in holistic health circles, chlorophyll, to put it simply, is what makes all those doctor prescribed leafy greens green. Its health benefits are seemingly endless and include: fighting cancer, improving liver detoxification, protecting skin from free radicals, increasing antioxidant levels in the body, improving the immune system and making you fly. Maybe the last one is an exaggeration, but it wears the badge of a superfood proudly and earnestly. Like we said, fill on up!

me time

Cancel all your appointments–2018 is here to tell you that penciling in time for yourself will not only be acceptable it will be necessary. From massage, breath work workshops and indulging in a warm bath on a Friday night, R-n-R is a definite yes.

Looking for ways to bring a little more relaxation into your life, even while at work? Check out these tips to add some zen into your routine.


Across the board, our wellness experts predicted that getting more rest and tracking our sleep behavior will be of the utmost importance in the health scene next year. With a constant consumption of news and media and updates streaming through our phones and feeds every day, taking time to disconnect and unplug will be more beneficial to our overall wellbeing, says experts, than hitting that extra spin class. Give yourself permission to turn off your phone, say no to an extra social commitment and give your mind, body and spirit a little down time.

All together now:

perfect predictions 2018 infographic

A big Perfect bar thank you to all of our friends who helped bring the Perfect Predictions 2018 come to life! #PerfectPredictions2018