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Post — 2018 Perfect Predictions


YOUR PERFECT GUIDE: 2018 Health and Wellness Predictions

Posted by Cat Canada on

In 2017, we saw the rise of collagen, meditation, and plant-based proteins. Now we are heading into a new year with health and wellness trends yet to be seen. TO help us create our perfect predictions we asked 101 exercise experts, lifestyle gurus and health nuts what they thought would be hitting our shelves, showing up in our gyms and having its moment in 2018. Here’s what they said: Get ready to spice up your life with a familiar favorite in fresh and surprising ways. Cinnamon will take the top spot on your spice rack trumping this year’s mellow-yellow favorite,...

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5 Spices To Boost Health and Flavor

Posted by Team Editorial Perfect Snacks on

Who says eating healthy has to be boring? If you’re sick of steamed veggies and baked chicken, then you’re in the right place. The secret to tantalizing, dripping with flavor, can’t-wait-for-more dishes is not some cooking superpower, but spice! That’s right, with powerful benefits like anti-inflammation, fighting fatigue and naturally freshening your breath, your spice rack is not only a flavor-boosting tool, but a health one too. Is your spice rack kind of sad and empty? Are you working with salt and black pepper and maybe red pepper flakes that you only really use on pizza night? Well we have...

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