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Post — Health Trends


FDA Nutrition Label: Here’s What’s Changing in 2021

Posted by Team Editorial Perfect Snacks on

It’s hard to imagine grocery shopping without a Nutrition Facts label. Any health-conscious shopper would agree that part of the grocery shopping process is grabbing a product from the shelf, flipping it around, and taking a look at some combination of the calories, fat content and ingredients. This nutrition label we have come to know and depend on is getting an upgrade with new regulations and improved standards of daily intake recommendations. The History of the Nutrition Label Nutrition labels were introduced by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) in 1973 but weren’t legally required until 1993. Before that, there...

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Your Guide To Intuitive Eating

Posted by Shanna Hutcheson on

Intuitive eating is designed to inspire a healthy relationship with body, self and food by empowering you to feel what your body needs and create a more intimate relationship with your physical self — inside and out. Imagine what your life might look like if you decided to accept your body and eat freely, without food rules and restrictions. Understanding Intuitive Eating: What It Is and What It Is Not The concept of Intuitive Eating (IE) is definitely not “new,” as the original Intuitive Eating book was published back in 1995, however, it has recently started gaining traction in the...

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5 Spices To Boost Health and Flavor

Posted by Team Editorial Perfect Snacks on

Who says eating healthy has to be boring? If you’re sick of steamed veggies and baked chicken, then you’re in the right place. The secret to tantalizing, dripping with flavor, can’t-wait-for-more dishes is not some cooking superpower, but spice! That’s right, with powerful benefits like anti-inflammation, fighting fatigue and naturally freshening your breath, your spice rack is not only a flavor-boosting tool, but a health one too. Is your spice rack kind of sad and empty? Are you working with salt and black pepper and maybe red pepper flakes that you only really use on pizza night? Well we have...

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Simple Steps to Make Meditation Part of Your Holiday Routine

Posted by Cat Canada on

Holidays can be more of a holidaze with all the shopping, sipping, toasting and traveling that bewilders and besmirches the month of December. It’s not all bad, of course; there’s celebration, lots of socially acceptable indulging, and loving family time. Staying afloat and calm while swimming through aisles of garland and navigating mall traffic is no harder than simply being. Esoteric? Maybe. Somewhat simple? Absolutely! It’s called meditation: the act of sitting and trying to calm the mind while detaching from your thoughts and being present with your breath. If you’re like many people who think that sounds less than...

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