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Post — Whole Food Nutrition


4 Whole Food Proteins To Add To Your Diet Today

Posted by Team Editorial Perfect Snacks on

Whole foods. Real ingredients. All natural. What do these terms have in common? Well, these well-intentioned yet ambiguous buzzwords have been circulating the health and wellness scene in recent years. And if you’re into healthy eating and have ever wondered what they actually mean, you’re in good company! On the surface, they convey a general sense of health, but beyond that, things get a little fuzzy. I mean, what are whole foods exactly? As opposed to unwhole foods? When it comes to one of the most vital macronutrients, protein, there is an increasing emphasis on getting whole protein in one’s...

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Discover What Makes Perfect Bar Different

Posted by Cat Canada on

People ask us all the time, “Perfect Bar, what makes you different?” Other than our nutty personality and delicious taste, we believe we have some nutritious qualities that make us different than the rest. For starters, we aren’t found in the protein bar aisle. You can find us chilling in the refrigerated section next to fresh-cut produce and kombuchas. We are always soy and whey-free and know that the best things in life are made with love. But for those of you looking for some hard stats about what makes us different, we pulled together what we think makes us...

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The Health Benefits of Magnesium, the Forgotten Electrolyte

Posted by Amanda Mercer on

Magnesium, or Mg, is one of those elements that seems to be forgotten. In chemistry, it’s used as a catalyst for chemical reactions. In nature, it’s the eighth most abundant element. In the human body, magnesium is an electrolyte and helps maintain quality health. But unlike sodium and potassium, the more popular electrolytes, magnesium is rarely talked about. Not today though. We are going to talk about the many health benefits of magnesium and how to get more of it into your daily diet. Magnesium affects most of the major functions of the body like energy production, nerve impulse conduction,...

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Perfect Bar Unwrapped: Why Honey, Explained

Posted by Cat Canada on

“From a 5-gallon bucket, that’s how we used it in all of our recipes.” “Actually, it’s how my mom still uses it,” Leigh replies with an affirming head nod when reflecting on the question of why Perfect Bar uses honey in their bars. Leigh Keith is not only the co-founder and COO of Perfect Bar but also the fourth eldest of 13 siblings. As kids, their king-size family toured the country in a motorhome going from city to city as their dad, Bud Keith, lectured on the value and importance of whole food nutrition. Honey, she recalls, always had a...

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Eating Healthy In College, It's Easier Than You Think

Posted by Danielle Clark on

Heading back to college after 6 luxurious weeks of home-cooked meals and unlimited access to a fully stocked pantry? Our friend Danielle Clark, food blogger and Instagram extraordinaire, is a freshman at the University of Colorado, Boulder and shares her tricks and tips on eating healthy in college! “Ugh, I need to start eating healthier” is the third most uttered phrase I hear in school, falling short to “who’s going out tonight?” and “yup, I definitely just failed that exam.” There’s a myth that eating healthy in college is not only difficult but impossible, so why try? I’m going to...

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