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Post — Mindfulness


How I Achieved My Resolutions By Doing Less

Posted by Shopify API on

Is it even a New Year’s resolution if you haven’t broken or forgotten about it by February? If you’re anything like me – and 90% of the human race – resolutions don’t always make it 365 days. And you know what? That’s okay! You’re a human, not a failure. Forgive yourself immediately and get back in the ring. 2018 is far from over and everyone knows January is a trial month. Long before I woke up at 5:30am for a workout or eagerly gulped down green juice in the morning, I was trying to create a healthy routine that would...

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Simple Steps to Make Meditation Part of Your Holiday Routine

Posted by Cat Canada on

Holidays can be more of a holidaze with all the shopping, sipping, toasting and traveling that bewilders and besmirches the month of December. It’s not all bad, of course; there’s celebration, lots of socially acceptable indulging, and loving family time. Staying afloat and calm while swimming through aisles of garland and navigating mall traffic is no harder than simply being. Esoteric? Maybe. Somewhat simple? Absolutely! It’s called meditation: the act of sitting and trying to calm the mind while detaching from your thoughts and being present with your breath. If you’re like many people who think that sounds less than...

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