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Post — Thrive


What Are Antioxidants and Why Do You Need Them?

Posted by Brittney Gingrich on

When you hear that a food is filled with antioxidants you assume it’s healthy for you, right? But could you say why? Antioxidants are found in everyday foods like berries, tomatoes and chia seeds and pack a major punch for your overall health. An antioxidant is a compound that aids in repairing cell damage. Damage, of which, may be caused by a slew of factors including exposure to sun, toxins and for today’s lesson – nasty free radicals. The term ‘free radicals’ sounds like something born in the summer of love era, but by definition, a free radical is, “an...

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How To Practice Self-Love In 5 Steps

Posted by Alyssa Moeller on

We hear the phrase “practice self-love” thrown around quite a bit, especially this month. While most of us know it’s important to care for ourselves, the execution can be lost. You’re probably already practicing some type of self-care without even realizing it. Do you have a nighttime routine you look forward to each day? Or maybe you give yourself a 10-minute break at that 3 pm slump. Or maybe still, you indulge in a 90-minute yoga flow every Wednesday night that is all about you and your breath. These are all lovely examples of this year’s hottest wellness trend –...

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How To Create Sustainable Resolutions This Year

Posted by Julia Sparkman on

I know I am not the only one who has fallen short of achieving a well-intended New Year’s resolution. By March I am often burned out, distracted and moving on from what I swore would be a life-changing commitment. Discouraged from this 3-month pattern of let down, I decided to finally make a change and not only make more sustainable resolutions, but also any life goals throughout the year. So with years of personal experience to pull from, some extensive self-reflection and a few (okay, many!) self-help books, I discovered the behavior that was holding me back. When I was...

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5 Ways to Avoid Burnout

Posted by Dustin Canada on

Crazy class schedules, grueling workouts, balancing multiple jobs, life can get a little insane sometimes. We’ve all been there—exhausted, stressed, and maybe a little crabby, all because we’re trying to do too much. Because of all this, it’s become way too easy to suffer from the dreaded burnout. Here are a few tricks to help avoid burnout and get the most out of your day: Catch Some ZZZZs It’s true—losing sleep can be one of the worst things for your health. Studies show that people who get less than six hours of sleep are at a greater risk for burnout,...

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