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Post — Protein


4 Whole Food Proteins To Add To Your Diet Today

Posted by Team Editorial Perfect Snacks on

Whole foods. Real ingredients. All natural. What do these terms have in common? Well, these well-intentioned yet ambiguous buzzwords have been circulating the health and wellness scene in recent years. And if you’re into healthy eating and have ever wondered what they actually mean, you’re in good company! On the surface, they convey a general sense of health, but beyond that, things get a little fuzzy. I mean, what are whole foods exactly? As opposed to unwhole foods? When it comes to one of the most vital macronutrients, protein, there is an increasing emphasis on getting whole protein in one’s...

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How to Add More Whole Food Protein to Your Diet And Why It Matters

Posted by Team Editorial Perfect Snacks on

What makes one protein better than another? And what exactly constitutes a “whole food protein”? Valid questions. As a whole food protein bar company, we herald the superiority of more food-based sources of protein (rather than isolates), but it’s hard to say for sure what is better or worse for you. Of course, we have our bias but we wanted to break it down for you and let you decide what is best for your body, diet, and lifestyle. A Study Into Whole Food Protein Whole foods, real ingredients, unprocessed. What do they have in common? They’re some of the...

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How Much Protein Do You Actually Need in Your Protein Bar? We Did The Research For You

Posted by Team Editorial Perfect Snacks on

Protein: we’re all crazy about it. The fact of the matter is, if you’re a health-conscious person who cares about eating clean and healthy, then protein is likely something that you give a lot of attention. Though we live in a world with a new diet or meal plan hitting the scene almost every week (eat this, not that! Carbs are the enemy—no wait, they’re great! Fat is bad, no wait, it’s fine!) protein, particularly protein bars, never seems to go out of style. Protein Bars: Our Easy & Favorite Way To Eat Protein You don’t have to chat with...

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5 Best Brownie Protein Bars On The Market

Posted by Cat Canada on

Freshly baked brownies being pulled from a warm oven. You can smell it, can’t you? That is because olfactory cues, aka your sense of smell, is linked to your memory more than other senses. The happy, all-over feeling you get when you smell those homemade brownies is what we were trying to accomplish when creating our new brownie protein bar, Chocolate Walnut Brownie. To help guide this new recipe we not only ate our fair share of brownies, but we also hit the aisles of our local grocery store to try the other (delicious) brownie protein bars on the market....

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The Perfect Pre and Post-Workout Snacks to Help You Perform Your Best

Posted by Team Editorial Perfect Snacks on

If you’ve got a solid exercise routine going, then hats (or sweatbands) off to you! Oftentimes, just slipping into yoga pants and getting out the door is half the battle. Equally as important, though, is your routine before and after you break a sweat. Yup, we’re talking about you eat. You wouldn’t go on a long run without stretching before and after, right? In that same vein, consider your pre and post-workout snacks part of your overall workout routine. While individual nutritional needs may vary, generally speaking, your snacks should be a strategic balance of carbs, good fats and proteins...

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