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Post — Wellbeing


6 Tricks to Help You Stick to New Year’s Resolutions

Posted by Dustin Canada on

Struggling to keep up with your New Year’s resolutions? Don’t fret, you’re not the only one. According to research from the University of Scranton, only 8% of people successfully achieve their resolutions. But with the right mindset and a realistic approach, it’s possible to beat the odds and accomplish those New Year’s resolutions. Here are a few tricks to help stick to those goals this year. They may seem simple, but we all need a little reminder sometimes to jumpstart our motivation and get these done effectively. 1. Be specific Instead of vaguely deciding, “I will be healthier” or “I...

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5 Fun Ways to Make Valentine's Day a Family Day

Posted by Jessica Windell on

While singles may despise the Hallmark holiday, and couples Instagram their champagne dinner, for those with young kids, Valentine’s Day can be an awesome reason to celebrate family love. Make the day special by planning some family-centric activities. Tasks encouraging creativity and teamwork can lead to priceless bonding time, and focused, interactive projects can pull everyone away from the usual distractions of tablets and TVs. Here are a few ways to make Valentine’s a little more inclusive for the fam: Heart and Seek Hide paper hearts around the house or yard. Get the kids going on a hunt – each...

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Extreme Health Gone Wrong: Orthorexia

Posted by Dustin Canada on

It seems that real food and clean eating has gone mainstream. And for good reason: it makes you feel great! However, mindful eating can become obsessive and can ironically jeopardize your health, even relationships. Yikes! There’s now a name for being dangerously obsessed with eating healthy-Orthorexia Nervosa. “It’s different than going overboard because you want to be skinny,” explains Thomas Dunn, associate professor of psychology at the University of Northern Colorado. “Rather, it’s linked to people who are trying to be as healthy as they can be.” Mental health experts are concerned with those who take healthy eating practices to...

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Journey Inward

Posted by Jessica Windell on

The Perfect Bar team invites you to join us as we ‘Journey Inward’ with renowned yogi and studio owner Kelly Metcalf on November 14th-16th for a weekend-long retreat in celebration of her Harmony House Yoga’s 5-year anniversary located in Pismo Beach, CA. Kelly’s teachings remind us that yoga is not just a physical practice, but rather a unique opportunity to create an authentic connection with nature, ourselves, and those around us. Friday evening launches with an intimate community gathering and delicious dinner catered by Chef Christi Rivera, owner of Honeymoon Café. She’ll be working with local farmers and winemakers to...

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5 Tricks to Becoming a Morning Workout Person

Posted by Dustin Canada on

Feeling inspired you set a 6:00 am alarm with every intention to wake up early for a morning workout. The alarm rings, you hit snooze a few times, check your Instagram and wait for that inspired feeling to hit once more. Oddly enough, the idea of getting back into shape suddenly sounds as appealing as soy bean curd for breakfast. You tell yourself, “I’ll start next week.” Sure, we’ve all been there. But luckily there are ways we can trick our bodies and minds into getting up early until it becomes routine or at least feasible. Use these tricks to...

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