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Post — Health


Healthy Fats and Yummy Seeds

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Are seed oils really the newest food product enemy? Here’s what the research says and why it may be the anti-inflammatory solution you’ve been waiting for. There is always some food product that is “out” or “in” circling around the news. Coffee is horrible for you one day, but the next we find out that it actually has the power to lower your risk of several heart diseases. The latest trend is working against seed oils. But is all this hate legitimate? Let’s crack this open one bite at a time. Myth: Seed Oils Are Toxic According to a Harvard...

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Why Artificial Isn’t So Sweet

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You’re trying to cut down on your sugar intake and so you’ve been reaching for items with “zero sugar” across the label. This may seem like a safe bet, but what actually makes these items sweet, and are the additives a better-for-you alternative? We’ll dive into what’s really going on with zero-sugar foods and whether these are truly a healthy alternative to natural sweeteners. What’s in Zero Sugar Bars? As you turn over the ingredients list of a zero sugar bar, you’ll likely see a list of words that are long and hard to pronounce. What these items indicate is...

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An International Women's Day Message From Co-Founder Leigh Keith

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Co-Founder, CEO, Sister, Mother, Mentor, Leader. These are just a few of the titles that Leigh Keith, Co-Founder and Chief of Brand & Mission, has compiled while shaping Perfect Bar. In honor of this International Women’s Day, Leigh sits down to share reflections on her journey creating a beloved brand & majority women-led team. We could not be more grateful for her courage, grit, and leadership. Let’s let Leigh take it from here! Leigh in Kitchen with eldest daughter Ava From the desk of Leigh… As I sit down on this International Women’s day as a mother of three young...

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Heart-Healthy Fats That Are Actually Good for You

Posted by Team Editorial Perfect Snacks on

What do you get when you put healthy fats and a great exercise routine together? Let’s find out!

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Pre and Post Nutrition Guide

Posted by Team Editorial Perfect Snacks on

Here’s the nutrition guidance you need for your pre- and post-workout meal prep so you can fuel up and cool down efficiently.

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