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Post — Health


More Than Honey: Why We Need Bees

Posted by Jessica Windell on

Living in a world without honey bees is a scary thought, but a distinct possibility in the future. In parts of China, the wild honey bee is MIA, leaving humans to meticulously pollinate orchards by hand. Do you know why we need bees? The honey bee is responsible for pollinating 70 out of the top 100 crops comprising about 90% of the world’s food supply. It’s estimated that 1 out of every 3 bites of food is thanks to pollinators like honeybees. Should the honey bee disappear, so would apples, cucumbers, carrots, almonds, and broccoli. In fact, most fruits, vegetables,...

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5 Ways to Avoid Burnout

Posted by Dustin Canada on

Crazy class schedules, grueling workouts, balancing multiple jobs, life can get a little insane sometimes. We’ve all been there—exhausted, stressed, and maybe a little crabby, all because we’re trying to do too much. Because of all this, it’s become way too easy to suffer from the dreaded burnout. Here are a few tricks to help avoid burnout and get the most out of your day: Catch Some ZZZZs It’s true—losing sleep can be one of the worst things for your health. Studies show that people who get less than six hours of sleep are at a greater risk for burnout,...

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Celiac Awareness and the Rise of Gluten-Free

Posted by Jessica Windell on

January 13th, 2023 is National Gluten-Free Day, and we’re taking the time to spread awareness of Celiac disease. According to, 1 in 133 Americans have Celiac disease, many of whom go undiagnosed. It is genetic, and it can start at any age. A recent study found that it can take 6-10 years on average to be properly diagnosed as many don’t even know they have it and symptoms vary widely. While it’s common to experience digestive issues, other symptoms can include anything from skin rashes and mouth sores to joint pain and migraines—all caused by eating gluten. More...

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An Athlete's Guide to Functional Hydration

Posted by Jessica Windell on

Recent incidents of severe heat exertion in high school athletes have shed more light on the need to be cognizant of hydration and body temperature in hot, humid weather conditions. Proper hydration often takes a back seat to nutrition when it comes to optimal athletic performance, however, staying properly hydrated before, during, and after any kind of physical exertion or exercise is crucial to keep the body functioning at its best. In adults, a loss of 2% body weight due to dehydration and 1% in kids has been shown to have detrimental effects on athletic performance, likely due to decreases...

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An Expert Guide to Bucket List-Worthy Music Festivals

Posted by Dustin Canada on

Music Festival Season—spring to late summer—is officially upon us! If you are a seasoned festival-goer or novice looking to have the time of your life, the Perfect Bar in-house experts have navigated the endless road of options to provide a comprehensive yet succinct guide to the nation’s “bucket list-worthy music festivals”. Whether massive or intimate, the best festival experiences provide more than just top-notch headlining acts. Below you will find options offering a unique blend and appreciation for iconic outdoor settings, music genres, high quality lineups, local and organic fare, camping, sustainability efforts, fine art, interactive installations, yoga and holistic...

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