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Q + A With Perfect Bar Founder & CEO, Bill Keith

Posted by Cat Canada on

Starting a business can be equal parts scary and exciting. For Bill Keith, Founder and CEO of Perfect Bar, his experience has fallen into the latter category with his 12 siblings by his side. At the helm of the growing family business, and knowing a thing or two about what it takes to grow your entrepreneurial idea into a reality, we sat down with Bill to pick his brain and to share his wisdom. Q: When you were just starting out, how did you maintain definitive roles for each sibling? “When you’re starting up, there’s no ‘I’ll take this position,...

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Perfect Bar On the Go: Your Questions Answered

Posted by Cat Canada on

“Perfect Bar is The Original Refrigerated Protein Bar, but you say it’s good for up to one week on the go, outside the fridge. What exactly does that all mean?” Does this sound like you? Don’t worry – we get these questions all the time. To clear up any confusion, and encourage you to bring your fresh protein bars on a few more care-free adventures, we’re answering your pressing Perfect Bar out-of-the-fridge questions. 1. For how long can my Perfect Bar be out of the fridge? Let’s start off with the big one. Here’s what you need to know: Your...

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17 Reasons Why Our Peanut Butter Protein Bar is Perfect

Posted by Cat Canada on

Our peanut butter protein bar is the original family recipe that started it all. Ten years later, we’re more confident than ever that our peanut butter protein and superfood blend is perfect! New flavor trends come and go, but our love for peanut butter stands the test of time. From classic PB&Js to ants on a log snack breaks, we all have spoonfuls of happy childhood memories around the sticky goodness of peanut butter. And nostalgia is just the beginning. Now, we multitasking adults satisfy cravings and fuel workouts with peanut butter protein bars. Because apparently it’s frowned upon to...

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5 Surprising Ingredients Inside Every Perfect Bar

Posted by Dustin Canada on

We hear it everywhere we go from first-time samplers and wary shoppers: “What makes it so perfect?” Rarely, we get to the part of our pitch that requires the big guns (or more obscure of our 20+ organic superfoods) before they happily place a box in their cart and speed away to the checkout counter. However, these 5 surprising ingredients found in every Perfect Bar recipe and may shock even the savviest of health nuts. Take A Closer Look At These 5 Ingredients Found In Every Perfect Bar 1. Kale Kale seems to be taking over the world of vegetables...

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Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of The Year 2014

Posted by Dustin Canada on

Perfect Bar is proud to announce our fearless leader, Bill Keith, aka Billy Bars, was recently named a Finalist for Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of The Year 2014 for the Family Business category. EY Entrepreneur of The Year Award, the world’s most prestigious business award for entrepreneurs, recognizes business leaders who demonstrate excellence and extraordinary success in such areas as innovation, financial performance and personal commitment to their businesses and communities. Bill was selected from a field of over 60 nominees by an independent panel of judges comprised of previous award recipients, prominent CEOs, private capital investors and other regional...

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