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Post — recipes


Four Tasty Recipes Using Spring’s Seasonal Produce

Posted by Katie Orphey on

The changing of the seasons provides us with more than just longer days and warmer weather. While those are a huge bonus to spring-ing forward this time of the year marks the coming of a fresh new crop of produce: leafy greens, slender spears of asparagus, vibrant red beets, fresh peas, and green beans! We have rounded-up three reasons why eating in-season produce is better for just about everyone and four recipes to give you major #foodpiration this spring: It’s More Cost Effective: Food that is grown in its proper season, like squash in the fall and strawberries in the...

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Epicurean Adventures: Winter Edition Recipes

Posted by Jessica Windell on

As the nights grow longer and the air becomes colder, we seek food that will warm our hearts (+ home) during the winter months. Looking for a way to make these meals a little more perfect? Turn up your stove top, grab the crock pot and fire up the oven – because we have three new recipes to incorporate Perfect Bar into your winter meal plan: Ingredients: Instructions: Before cooking, be sure to rinse quinoa well. This removes saponin (quinoa’s natural coating), which can make quinoa bitter. In a small saucepan, combine almond milk, quinoa, and chai tea bag, and...

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Epicurean Adventures: Autumn Edition Recipes

Posted by Jessica Windell on

The crisp air, the pumpkin patches, the festive holidays – we might be a little fall-crazy, but who isn’t? There’s something comforting about cooking with autumn ingredients, so we wanted to take that feeling of cozy sweaters and warm soup, and make it a little more “perfect.” We found some great recipes that, once you incorporate a nutrient-packed Perfect Bar, become even better for your fall festivities. We don’t know if it’s the 20+ superfoods or the creamy nut butter that elevates these dishes into something special – but we do know that they come highly recommend it (by all...

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6 Toast Toppers Worth Talking About

Posted by Jessica Windell on

Toast is having a moment. While most of us have long understood the simple pleasures of creamy avocado and crispy bread, getting fancy with toast toppers has become more of an art than ever before. Whether it’s an attempt to pack in as many nutrients as possible before you head out the door for the day or you’re just looking to mix multiple flavors together for a truly delectable treat, it’s almost a guarantee that you’ll fill up with good-for-you ingredients. Avocados alone have monounsaturated fats that are associated with lessened inflammation; they’re filled with fiber, help your body absorb...

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Epicurean Adventures | Summer Edition Recipes

Posted by Jessica Windell on

Summertime cooking is one of our favorite pastimes and something we look forward to every year. This month, we got a little adventurous with our fare and gave some of our usual recipes a twist — a Perfect Bar twist, that is. You’ve seen it in cookies and smoothie bowls, but there are endless possibilities for Perfect Bar to take the place of peanut butter and almond butter in some savory dishes, too. The way we see it, substituting Perfect Bar not only gets you the creamy, nutty taste you’re looking for, but tons of bonus nutrition, thanks to the...

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