A More Perfect Q & A with Lyana Begret @healthymoodsf: Fitness and Healthy Lifestyle Guru

A More Perfect Q & A with Lyana Begret @healthymoodsf: Fitness and Healthy Lifestyle Guru


You may have seen some of Lyana’s delicious breakfast creations over on @healthymoodsf. As a long time fan of Perfect Bar, we had a chance to catch up with her and her little ones. From Barry’s Bootcamp to pick-ups and drop-offs, Lyana is always trying to incorporate nutritious snacks for her and her girls while they are on the go! Here is a little glimpse into what a day in the afternoon looks like for this busy momma of two.

Let’s start with your own health story – what has it been like?

I became interested in healthy foods a few years ago after having my kids. I started working out and eating healthy to feel good and be a better mom for my children and since I have 2 girls I know they’ll look up to me as a role model.

What has been the biggest challenge turned lesson you’ve learned along the way?

There was a point where I became too obsessive with food and the biggest challenge was accepting that there are no good or bad foods. Food is medicine—Food is fuel and finding balance and realizing that good food makes you feel good is the best thing.

When you’re not in the kitchen or with your girls, what’s your favorite way to unwind?

Go for a walk, call a friend or my mom and sisters, make myself a matcha latte, read a book even if it’s only for 15 minutes a day!

What is your number one piece of advice for parents who want to feed their children more nutritious snacks?

Make healthy food fun for the kids. Involve them by letting them help you with groceries, baking together, and letting them cut simple foods like a banana – I have a fun banana cutter that makes a banana coin look like a flower the girls love. Try to incorporate healthy foods, for example: if it’s an avocado, offer them avocado sushi instead of just avocado, or bake with veggies.

What is your must-do self-care practice that helps you stay balanced with your busy schedule?

Barry’s Bootcamp classes!!

And finally, what is your favorite Perfect Bar?

I can’t pick one: Peanut Butter & Chocolate Chip and Hazelnut!