Crossfit and Perfect Bar

Why Perfect Bar is Perfect For Crossfit


When we sat down with our Deduction & Brokerage Manager Nikki to talk why she loves Crossfit, there was one very clear takeaway – that Crossfit and Perfect Bar make a pretty incredible pair. Why? Well, it’s simple really: Crossfit is a well-rounded, head-to-toe workout and Perfect Bar is a nutritionally well-rounded and balanced protein bar. And with the active, on-the-go lifestyle associated with Crossfit (a butt-kicking workout in an hour or less?), tossing a fresh-from-the-fridge Perfect Bar in your bag for a pre or post-workout protein boost is a no-brainer!

Nikki works out at Crossfit Invictus in San Diego, CA, right across the street from our office. Other than the bestie relationship we have with our nearest Crossfit gym (Peanut Butter Perfect Bar flies off the fridge shelf post-workouts, she reports), Nikki fell in love with Invictus for the way the workout feels when she ‘s done. “It’s just a great feeling to know that I am doing something good for my body.” The you-can-do-it attitude associated with Crossfit gyms, particularly positive and not too competitive at Invictus she says, also helps with finding the motivation to keep going back.

“It’s really a community and a lifestyle! The feedback continues my drive to keep going to Crossfit. The person next to me gives me the energy to sustain my own workout.”

And to replenish her energy and caloric depletion post-workout? She grabs the Original Refrigerated Protein Bar of course. And why wouldn’t you, she wonders out loud? “I just kicked my ass for an hour in my workout and now I am going to eat something delicious. Perfect Bar gives me the peace of mind that I am doing something even better for my body!” Her preferred Perfect Bar flavor? The clean protein packed Almond Butter without a doubt.

Perfect Bar is a delicious culmination of whole food protein, carbs and fat. It is crafted in a way that makes absorption of vital minerals and vitamins easier, faster and sustaining. Crossfit is known for touting high-protein diets to help with muscle recovery and development. Perfect Bar supports that diet regimen in a way that is clean and straight from the source, never relying on isolates, whey or soy. Just as Crossfit never does just a leg day, Perfect Bar doesn’t focus on just one area of nutrition. Without a focus on any specific health fad and instead holding fast to the quality of ingredients and integrity of the final product, Perfect Bar proves to be more than just a protein bar. And Crossfit, Nikki surely would argue, is much more than just a circuit training.

It is a community. It is a lifestyle. It is a perfect workout for integrative fitness. It is balanced, better than the rest and a part of her daily routine. When she puts it like that, it’s easy to see how Perfect Bar and Crossfit is a pair that you could say is well, perfect!

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