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What's It Like To Intern At Perfect Bar? It's Just Perfect

Posted by MacKenzie Hartung on

It all started with an informational interviews project I was assigned in my business communications class at Point Loma. At the time, I was on my own journey to holistic health as I was experiencing a lot of stomach issues. I was using my spare time to read up on the health and wellness industry and was instantly attracted to local brands like Perfect Bar and Suja. I figured it would be fun to work for a company I also enjoyed eating, so I used this assignment in school to start reaching out to brands locally.

I debated whether I should cold call or cold email Perfect Bar. Ultimately, I decided on crafting what I thought was a well-worded email to their contact page, hoping someone, anyone would answer me. A couple of days later I received an email from Jessica Windell, Marketing Communications Manager, saying she would love to hop on a call with me. After my call, I emailed Jessica every couple of months asking if any internships had opened up.

Resiliency Pays Off

Fast forward a couple of months, an internship did eventually open up and I applied immediately to be the Marketing Intern. A couple of weeks later, I ended up having the opportunity to attend Expo West with a different company I was interning for at the time. I made it a point to push through the thousands of people and find Perfect Bar’s booth to introduce myself to Jessica. She asked me to come in for an interview the following week and the rest is history. I’ve been here for a little over a year now and am loving every second.

perfect bar familyA Nutty Family Culture

The Perfect Bar family is just that, a family. I immediately felt welcomed and a part of this nutty family. One of the biggest things I learned at Perfect Bar was teamwork. The office allows for such an open and interactive workspace which is a constant reminder that we are all working towards the same goals.

Finding My Way

This internship stood out to me over some of my previous internships because of the trust and confidence they had in me right off the bat. I was given tasks and projects daily that truly made me feel like I was contributing to the whole and not that I was just an extra set of hands to run errands.

During my time as an intern I was able to wear a lot of hats. From helping with social media to working with influencers, helping plan events and assisting our creative director, I had my eyes and hands on many of the moving parts it takes to run a company. My work consisted of daily interaction with our consumers through all of our social channels, PR research and pitching, assembling collateral sends for campaigns and influencers, pulling and curating social content.

The Journey Continues

I would 100% recommend interning at Perfect Bar. I interned for 8 months and was then brought on full-time and I could not ask for a better company to be with. Interacting and being thrown into situations is the absolute best way to figure it all out.

Though I know not every internship ends in a full-time position and I am grateful my journey has gone that way, I would still go back and take this internship again even if it ended differently. The growth and opportunity that came from being so hands-on has helped me in my role now and will continue to help me in whatever comes next.

Now we are passing the torch and hiring a new Marketing Intern for the summer. Want to apply or know someone who may be the perfect fit? Share this, or head HERE to apply.