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Posted by Katie Orphey on

rebblREBBL is making moves to share the notion that life is about taking the road less traveled, standing for something meaningful, rewriting the old rules to make more knowledgeable ones, and looking left when the rest of the world is looking right. It’s about knowing the truth and living with purpose. With REBBL, you simply drink different and never settle.

The planet is at the heart of every product in the REBBL lineup; from sourcing solely from organic farms to utilizing only plant-based ingredients, including roots, extracts, berries, bark and leaves. There’s no doubt that you’ll be seeing green pre or post workout when you choose an elixir or tonic from REBBL.

Check out what goes into each bottle:Rebbl

Organic – Every ingredient used is organically grown for fans’ health and the health of the farmers, the soil, and the water where it was produced.

Fair Trade – REBBL supports fairly traded ingredients whenever they’re available.

Real Ingredients – All products are made from real foods and ingredients that you can pronounce and recognize. The team believes in the intelligence of nature and that it’s necessary to respect the natural health-promoting complexity of whole foods.

True Taste – What you taste is what you get – the whole ingredients and herbs – that’s it. No taste bud trickery here. No strange after tastes created by flavor labs. No thickeners to make you believe you are getting something that you are not.

Efficacy – REBBL’s promise: If we can’t use a super-herb at meaningful, efficacious levels, then they won’t use it at all. When they see “50mg Ginseng” on a canned energy drink, they sigh and shake their heads… what a waste of a perfectly good ginseng root.

Super-herbed – They believe that everything can be improved. And, with that, they believe one of the best ways to improve foods is to add super-herbs.

Enter to win some REBBL of your own over on our Instagram: @PerfectBar.